Brand Cool: Artefacts

Brand Cool: Artefacts

Making it real One of the most fun things to do as an entrepreneur or a small business owner is to see your brand or your logo or your artwork come to life in a physical, tangible objects, whether it’s a mug or a tee shirt, or a big banner, the tanking up over...
Brand Cool: Experiences

Brand Cool: Experiences

We love to see them cry with joy. One thing that almost every entrepreneur I speak with has in common is we absolutely love to delight our customers. We like to go the extra mile. We absolutely adore and the connection and the experience that we have by making people...
Brand Cool: Visuals

Brand Cool: Visuals

When you hear the word brand, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  For most people it has something to do with a logo or packaging or maybe a physical products, maybe a tagline or an idea. But most of what we think of when we think of brands is something...
Brand Cool: Words

Brand Cool: Words

What makes a brand magic? Brand Cool. One of the first elements of brand cool is the words and language that a business uses to convey its messaging… to get its ‘why’ across to its customers and fans. Words can be extremely, extremely powerful, but only when...
What Makes Brands Cool?

What Makes Brands Cool?

So far this season here in the Magic Maker podcast, we’ve been diving into the weird and wonderful things that make a brand a brand. We’ve focused a lot on the meaning and purpose parts behind your brand – how to find and communicate your ‘big why’ in...
How to Build Desire for Your Brand

How to Build Desire for Your Brand

Be the Fox Pee One of the things you may or may not know about me, depending on how long you have been in our little universe here, is that I wrote a book called The Million Dollar Dog Brand, which is literally THE book on how to start and run and maintain a...