Honest Feedback

“Nichole is a unique thought leader…”

“Nichole is a unique thought leader who can bridge traditional strategies with innovative thinking- she is a tremendous asset to any organization, and I can say with confidence that hiring Nichole is one of the best decisions we have made.”

William Chen, CEO P.L.A.Y

Natalia Martinez
Natalia Martinez

“I could not believe how much value Nichole packed into the branding package”

“I could not believe how much value Nichole packed into the branding package. Before Nic my brand was kind of a collection of loose threads in my head and she turned it into one coherent, beautiful package. I was not expecting so many elements to be crystalised together – everything from colors to the deeper ‘why’ behind the brand.

I’ve referenced my brand package over and over again to guide my decisions on copy, design and direction.”

Laura Roeder, Founder Paperbell & MeetedGar

“Rarely have we felt that our money is as well-spent as it is with Nichole.”

“Nichole is tremendously skilled & intuitive, she has helped us accomplish all of our goals. Nic is like a breath of fresh air: she is nimble, relentlessly clever and has been our single-most important business asset for the last two years.

Rarely have we felt that our money is as well-spent as it is with Nichole. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

Van Zeiler, VP Victoria Stilwell Positively

Natalia Martinez
Natalia Martinez

We implemented Nic’s colour suggestions and immediately saw a positive impact

“Although Nic’s work with color is based in science, the impact is simply miraculous. We implemented Nic’s colour guidance and changed our slides for keynote and virtual lectures and my wardrobe for stage and TV.

During in-person keynotes we immediately saw a positive impact in attention and engagement and we even had several people reach out to comment on how much they liked the slides. Nothing changed in the messaging, all we did was update the colors. Brilliant!”

Dr. Romie Mushtaq, Keynote Speaker | Founder brainSHIFT Institute

“I was skeptical, but my session was really surprising and powerful. If you’re not sure if it’s for you, I say go for it!”

“I just had an awesome Whyfinding session and I felt so called to share what it was like, in the hopes that it’s going to help you decide to invest in this service. It was really surprising and powerful.

I’ve been in business for over seven years and my company actually does branding, so I came into this session a bit skeptical. I wondered, what really could Nichole find that we didn’t already to know? I’ve got to say the gems of wisdom that dropped through the session in the way that Nichole worked with me and the process that she used was so elegant and simple yet, so powerful.

Even with a really established brand like mine, she pulled out insights and language we haven’t thought of, that felt tremendously compelling and really resonated in my heart. What I took away from this session was brand pillars and a structure that really sat in my heart and felt so good and so unique, so me, and so clear and simple… and this was all just out of a two hour session! So if you’re considering having a whyfinding session with Nichole and you’re not sure if it’s for you, I say go for it!

If you’re new in business, this is going to cut your learning curve dramatically, so go for it. If you’re a like me, and have been in business for years and already have an established brand, you are going to get so many gems of wisdom out of this process, even if you do branding as well!”

Kimberlie Dimozantos, Founder, Lightning Rod Agency

I got so clear on my WHY, all the HOWS didn’t matter

“I turned to Nic because I was overwhelmed. I knew tons, but I couldn’t prioritize, and trying everything at once wasn’t effective. I wanted to lay all my shit out for someone else and say, “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” Just give me the clarity to focus on the ONE thing that will make the most difference!

That’s the brilliance in Nic. She helped me get SO CLEAR on my WHY that all the HOWS didn’t matter as much. Once we cut through all the noise of the fear and doubt and solopreneur overwhelm in my mind, I became unshakeably clear about who I am, how I want to run my business and what I want to fight for. Years later, I’m still operating from that place of clarity that Nic helped me find. Hiring Nic DOUBLES your wisdom, insight and accountability. By the end of your coaching engagement, you’ll see that the price you paid for this level of clarity and customized business growth is actually a fantastic bargain and a really smart move!”

Jennifer Waters,

“It’s easier than ever for customers to choose me!”

“I’d read Simon Sinek’s book, watched videos, listened to podcasts and completed workbooks many times over the years to ‘Find my Why’… Yet I was still totally stuck. I felt like my business didn’t have a clear purpose and it weighed on me. Then in a matter of hours, Nichole made it crystal clear.

I now know exactly why I do what I do, and can clearly articulate the what, how and who I do it for. This has made writing website copy, emails, social posts and all communications in my business so much easier!

Now I can connect with my audience and potential customers on a much deeper level, making it easier than ever for customers to choose me! You can trust Nichole to help you find your why effortlessly, even if it’s eluded you for years!”

Paige Brunton,

Natalia Martinez

Our Clients & Partners consistently say

“Nic is by far the best branding person I’ve ever worked with.”

“The Whyfinding Session with Nic is genius!”

“It’s a powerful yet simple framework to get you out of your head and into your heart to truly find your purpose. I had a pretty good idea before the session, but this took it much much deeper, with a few lovely surprises. The discussion around language and creation of my pillars grounded the findings and has helped me to see clearly how I need to step up and lead in a much deeper, mission-driven way that will help me to magnetise the brand and call in the right clients for me.

The application of that to my brand colours was pure gold! I really recommend this if you’ve outgrown your business or have become unsure of your purpose, Nic gets to the bottom of it all within a couple of hours!”

Gemma Went,

Natalia Martinez

“It was truly profound!”

“I had my whyfinding session with Nichole and it was truly profound. Using her unique tool kit we were able to tune in and get to the exact essence of my business and my core message in no time at all.

Now I also have a totally fantastic way to describe who I am and what I stand for it was a truly amazing session.”

Suzy Ashworth,

Natalia Martinez

“I’ve already received more sign-ups!”

“I’d been struggling to put into words the big WHY and PURPOSE behind what I do – which was making it really hard to really stand out and communicate why my work is different to others who do similar things.

I don’t want what I do to feel like a ‘nice to have’, for the right people I wanted it to feel like ‘THIS is the person I connect with on a deeper level and THIS is the person I need to work with.’

After my Whyfinding session with Nic I feel a 100 times clearer on how to share my bigger mission and since doing so (even from just one passionate post) I’ve already received more sign ups!

I feel like I’m talking about something bigger now, something more important that really connects with ‘my’ people without constantly needing to ‘sell’ to them.

I loved the REALLY simple process (I like simple!) and coming out the other side with core brand pillars unique to me.”

Ruth Ridgeway,

Natalia Martinez

“Nic’s method is fun, deep & gave me tons of clarity”

“Doing a Whyfinding session with Nichole was exactly what I needed to discover and OWN what was truly important to me and why, and the things that made me unique that I was hiding from the world. As someone who also works in branding, it’s SO helpful to go through someone else’s process and have them notice interesting patterns and reflect them back.

Nichole’s method is fun, deep, and gave me tons of clarity and enthusiasm to embody and express my true why. I highly recommend doing a Whyfinding session if you feel your business is missing that *special* something. I promise it’s not because it’s not there, it’s because you haven’t found it.”

Suzi Gray,

Natalia Martinez

“Within a matter of moments, comparison, striving, hustling… fell away.”

“My Whyfinding Session with Nic was one of the most profound experiences in business. Through the session, she brought to light so many elements that make me, me, and with such ease showed me how these can form the foundation of a business that truly brings me such joy.

By seeing my business through this new lens meant that within a matter of moments, comparison, striving, hustling, competition and doing anything that wasn’t in alignment, fell away. I feel as though I’m now running my business from a place that’s anchored in a truth that makes sense to me. What a game-changing gift! I honestly cannot recommend a Whyfinding Session with Nic highly enough.”

Lara Rickard, Nutritionalist

“What an enlightening, inspiring & reaffirming session”

“THANK YOU! Wow! What an enlightening, inspiring and reaffirming session… I feel seen, not only for the woman I have been, but also the woman I am becoming. You really aren’t kidding when you say this is your zone of genius… Feeling grateful, seen and inspired.”

Katy Henry, Acupuncturist

“I almost immediately started attracting the clients I want”

“Since starting my business I knew why I wanted to do the work, but struggled how to make it my own. Nic was absolutely amazing at identifying who I am, and encouraging me to put that crazy shit on display in my brand, my messaging and my work.

I almost immediately started attracting the clients I wanted to be working with the most. Before now I would’ve been too scared to go in a different direction other than the “norm”. This year was tough and I felt like I made a lot of wrong decisions, but after working with Nic I’m excited about taking things to the next level in in the New Year. Because I know exactly what I don’t want to do, and what I don’t want to be, and that’s given me more focus and motivation than anything else.”

Taryn O’Rourke, Photographer

“Nichole is helping me build the wings to fly”

“Nic’s program is totally kicking my ass, but I’m having flashes of how incredibly awesome and special my brand – and I truly do mean *brand* – not business – is on its way to becoming… I feel like I’m on the precipice and Nichole is helping me build the wings I need to fly”

“I could not have imagined this by myself”

“This is where my new brand and business were born. J.Nichole Smith is truly amazing in her ability to bring out that thing you love and turn it into a wonderful brand and business.

I could not have imagined this by myself, but I could not be more proud of what we have created as a team. The final product is something that is truly from my heart. This has been an amazing journey and I am so excited to see where this goes. I am truly grateful.”

Mary Siani, Sagehound Farm

“I can’t believe the value I got from just one session!

“I wasn’t sure what we would achieve since we hadn’t worked together before. I can’t believe the value I got from just one session! In the Whymapping exercise we defined my brand pillars in a way that was completely new to me but which totally makes sense. I had been struggling to articulate what we do as a business without it just describing the products.

Now I truly understand why and how we work with clients and I think we will attract the right clients as a result. We also looked at practical ways to position my new book – super easy, super quick. And (yes, still in this ½ day session!) we looked how I needed to prioritise my marketing activities over the coming weeks and months.

A super useful day! Nic you are clearly in your zone of genius doing this stuff- to be able to get so much done in a seemingly short period of time. Wow!”

Kater Turner,

Natalia Martinez

Let’s Find
Your Why!

There is no better time than NOW to get clarity and messaging around your unique, weird and wonderful purpose.